Is gentle and safe for all skin types as a way to rejuvenate and refresh the skin for a more youthful, radiant look with no downtime.

The Hollywood Laser Peel, also known as the Spectra Peel or carbon peel, is a mildly exfoliating and resurfacing procedure that improves the appearance of fine wrinkles, pigment, pores, and acne. The laser feels like a pin prick on the skin, so it would not be considered painful or uncomfortable.


Carbon Peel

Pre-, Post- instructions

Keep out of direct sunlight for 12 to 24 hours, wash face 2-3 times a day using gentle cleanser’s continuously. Keep bedding and face clean. Use a Benzoyl peroxide (BPO) or Salicylic acid based product.

AVOID: facial scrubs, oral acne medications, heat, Retin-A, hydroquinone, tretinoin cream, corticosteroids, glycol acid (GA) and azelaic acid*.

RECOMMEND: Use sunscreen and adopt a skin washing regiment using gentle oil free cleanser.

EXPECTATIONS:  Redness will go down in 1-2 hours. Even skin tone and smooth texture will be expected afterwards. Tightened pores and reduced acne scars will occur.

FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS: 1-3 treatments spaced out minimum 2 weeks between treatments 2-3 a year.

Carbon peel