Cosmetic tattooing is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure. It involves tattooing specialised pigment into the upper layers of the skin.

Microblading, the most popular form of permanent makeup, is a fancy name for an eyebrow tattoo.
We offer also Powder eyebrows (shading technique).

Eyeliner Tattooing is used to enhance the lash line and provide a waterproof option to replace regular eye makeup. A semi-permanent pigment is used for this treatment so that adjustments can be made as our eyes change over time. These pigments are also specially designed and are safe for use on delicate/sensitive skin. Eyeliner tattoos may last for a few years before needing maintenance treatments.

Lip tattoo treatments can range from a lipstick shade to a soft rosy hue that restores natural fullness and shape to the lip line. It can be used to create a very subtle enhancement if the appropriate colour is selected. This is a popular lip tattooing method usually called a full lip stain or lip blush tattoo. It may also last several years before needing maintenance treatments.
Cosmetic tattooing is safe and comfortable when provided by an experienced technician. As with any cosmetic procedure it is best to speak with a professional to gain the best advice on your suitability for these treatments.

Cosmetic Tattoo
  1. If there is any swelling, apply an ice pack to the area for 15 minute sessions. Do not put ice directly on the eyes.
  2. Apply recommended ointment gently with a cotton swab 3 to 5 times a day for at least 1 week.
  3. Keep area clean, but do not wash with soap for 4 days. You may carefully cleanse around the brows or eyelids in the morning by splashing warm water on the eyes. Do not rub skin vigorously when washing your face for at least 10 days.
  4. Do not apply makeup to the tattooed area for at least 3-5 days.
  5. Occasionally people will experience swelling or redness for 2 or 3 days. 1 in 25 people may even experience a light bruising which will disappear quickly.
  6. Understand that your eyebrow color will be too dark for approximately 4 to 5 days. Do not try to remove the excess color with soap. This color will flake and fade to a beautiful, natural color if left undisturbed.
  7. Do not apply makeup to the tattooed area for at least 3 days. 8. For several days after the procedure you may experience:
    • Eyelashes sticking together in the morning
    • Puffy eyes
    • Light bruising near the eyelid area
  8. Do not sun bathe without the use of sunglasses for 30 days.
  9. Do not swim in pools or hot tubs for 30 days. If you must use a pool or hot tub, keep brow area as dry as possible and use a light coat of petroleum jelly/ointment on area before entering pool.
  10. Normal activity may be resumed at once. You may read or use your eyes as much as feels comfortable.
  11. After approximately 3 days, you may feel itching. This does not mean you are allergic to the pigment, but the flaking process has started to take place. Icing the area for a few minutes, should alleviate this feeling. Apply recommended ointment thereafter.
  12. When permanent eyeliner or eyebrows begin to flake do not pick at the flakes. Allow them to flake naturally; early removal of pigment crust may result in areas with insufficient pigment.