Three modalities in one powerful treatment to resurface, renew and refresh skin.

Pigment-perfecting IPL with collagen-producing and tightening radiofrequency and finishes with a deep resurfacing treatment to refine your texture.

TriBella™ provides total facial rejuvenation to improve overall skin tone, elasticity, and texture quickly and effectively.


Tribella Treatment Before and After

DAY 1-7
The healing time for any given treatment varies between clients. The following represents the general recovery phases you might expect. Individual clients may experience variations from this course.

  • Pigment IPL Treatments: Browning or darkening of the skin pigment, purplish or black tints to a dark pigment, as well as crusting of the pigmented area over a few days, may all occur as part of normal post-treatment healing. Crusting will flake off, and while erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) may also appear, these symptoms will resolve in 3 to 7 days.
  • Vascular Lesion IPL Treatments: Blanching, greying, or a deep purple tinting or blackening of the vessel may occur over the course of a few days as the damaged tissue will be broken down and absorbed. This may last approximately 3 to 7 days.
  • Swelling/Discomfort/Redness: Swelling of your wrinkles occurs immediately. Significant swelling and redness of the treated areas and untreated parts may occur following your procedure and will be maximal at 24-48 hours post treatment. To minimize swelling, keep your head elevated. It is not uncommon for clients to experience under-eye swelling for the first 1 to 2 days, but this swelling will subside. There will be redness and slight heat emanating from the treated area for the first 24 hours, akin to a mild sunburn. It is unusual to experience severe or excessive pain, as well as any bruising; you should notify your treatment provider if this occurs. Tiny scabs will usually be formed 24-72 hours post-treatment and may remain for several days. The scabs should not be touched or scratched, even if they itch and should be allowed to shed off naturally.
  • Activity: Some mild discomfort may occasionally follow treatment. You may return to regular activities immediately. It is advised that you avoid hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis, and pools for the first two days following treatment, as the bacteria common to these environments could cause an infection. Some minor heat emanating from the treated area is normal, but please do not apply ice or cooling compresses, as that heat is the body’s natural healing response.
  • Moisturizer: For the safest clinical outcomes, it is advised to apply nothing on the treated skin for the first 24 hours. Thereafter (24 hours post-treatment and onward) moisturizer may be applied.
  • Make-up: After 24 hours, most patients are able to apply makeup to hide the pinkness of the skin. It is important that you remove all makeup that is applied to the skin at night. Do not sleep with makeup on the treated area.
  • Avoiding the Sun: Avoiding direct sun light should become a permanent component of your long-term skin care program. Always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater beginning 24-48 hours after the skin has fully healed. Treatment areas should not be exposed to sunlight, tanning beds or artificial sunless tanning lotions throughout the course of the treatment program.
  • Skin Care: In addition to avoiding direct sun exposure, we suggest all clients use long-term skin care that prioritizes the youthful, rejuvenated appearance you have achieved. We offer clients a program for long-term facial skin maintenance. This unique program offers state of-the-art skin maintaining and rejuvenating creams that are only available and administered by our team.

TriBella, Tribella treatment before and after